The Head is the most essential section of the body, containing five sensory organs, eight of the ten gates or openings, and the most auspicious place known as Brahma randhra. Abhyanga (massage) is always initiated from the head. Massage of the scalp and head improves the delivery of oxygen to the brain and enhances the neurological system. Marma point stimulation promotes the flow of vital energy (prana) through the head area.
Oil should be applied to the patient’s head at the anterior fontanelle (Brahma randra), the area of the head where a high ponytail would go (shikha), and the atlanto-occipital region (krikatika). Apply oil to the scalp in small sections all over. The application of massage can take the form of waves, circles, or spiders. After that, rub your forehead in circular motions. Later, apply pressure on pressure points using your thumb and index finger. Massage the front ear first, then the back. Next, alternately massage the neck with one hand before switching to the other. Later, we can apply presses, circles, and strokes on the shoulders. Alternately use both the palm and heel of your hand to brush the base of your scalp.

• Deep relaxation is provided to the head and scalp during a head massage, which also helps to awaken the brain’s creative areas.
• Head massage soothes the ears, calms the eyes, and enhances the complexion of the face.
• It encourages sound sleep and calms agitation.
• It eases depression, tension, and anxiety while encouraging relaxation.
• Regular head massages fortify and revitalise the nervous system. increases the flow of blood to the brain.
• Head and scalp massages can aid with migraine, stress, and cluster headache prevention.
• A head massage tones the heart, eyes, lungs, and stomach as well.
• Aids in preventing shoulder joint pain, neck pain, and back pain.
• It is advised in cases where the scalp and hair are dry.
• Scalp massage encourages hair growth and reduces hair loss.
Nervous system disorders, such as dandruff, anxiety, headaches, migraines, depression, restlessness, sleeplessness, and cervical spondylosis.

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